Posts tagged Digital Wellbeing
Beyond the Screen: Navigating Real Friendships in the Age of Social Media

Social Media promotes rigid personal boundaries and quite some confusion, especially for teens and emerging adults. This one-size-fits-all approach lacks nuance. Real friendships require honest communication, not corporate-like strategies. Social media skews our perception of relationships; we must balance setting boundaries with understanding the complexities of human connections. The blog post offers hands-on advice for teaching teens and emerging adults to navigate friendships.

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Email expectations - Leading by example for student well-being

In a world flooded with digital distractions, educators must reflect on their tech behavior. Students notice when teachers prioritize emails over conversations. A survey revealed 41.7% felt ignored due to tech use, affecting their well-being. To set an example, teachers and leaders must curb excessive emails, promote in-person interactions, and adhere to communication guidelines. Prioritizing meaningful connections over digital noise not only enhances student-teacher relationships but also equips students with healthier tech habits.

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Email and work expectations - Tackling our own behavior helps our kids

This blog post dives into the impact of email on work-life balance, especially for parents. It highlights the blurred boundaries between work and home, emphasizing the need for clear communication and mindful tech use. Allison Ochs, an expert in digital citizenship on digital well-being offers practical tips to manage email distractions, advocating for a healthier approach to technology for better family connections and personal well-being.

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