Posts tagged Digital Citizenship
Beyond the Screen: Navigating Real Friendships in the Age of Social Media

Social Media promotes rigid personal boundaries and quite some confusion, especially for teens and emerging adults. This one-size-fits-all approach lacks nuance. Real friendships require honest communication, not corporate-like strategies. Social media skews our perception of relationships; we must balance setting boundaries with understanding the complexities of human connections. The blog post offers hands-on advice for teaching teens and emerging adults to navigate friendships.

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Roblox: What parents need to know

Roblox is fun but not as safe as you might think. In this blog post, you will find some of the shocking things kids have told me about Roblox and the dangers for children within the game. There is also a handy guide to Roblox for parents.

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YouTube Shorts: Why you should be aware as an educator or parent

“I got lost over Christmas.”

“Lost where?”

“On my phone - It just dragged me in. It was like some force was pulling me to keep watching.”

Learn where more and more kids are getting lost online…..

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