The French Dinner Party

The French Dinner Party

If you have ever had the chance to visit France, I’m sure you loved it. If you have ever been invited to a home in France for a dinner party, I am sure you experienced a real treat. I really blew my first dinner party! I showed up without my husband, he got called on a business trip, I wasn’t dressed properly and I didn’t realize I would be having a very long dinner with 5 courses. Needless to say, again, I felt out of place and like an idiot. I vowed to learn and do better. I did but our guests always looked surprised when we rang the bell. My husband and I couldn’t understand why.

One day we were invited to another dinner party at a woman’s home that we barely knew. I had met her through my child’s school. My husband and I were very popular and it was clear to us that it was because we were the party zoo animals. People liked inviting us to ask us questions and look at our different ways. I didn’t mind that much because I was learning and I needed to observe the French ways as well. Needless to say we showed up on time. The invitation was for 8 pm and at 8 pm we rang the bell. This time the hostess didn’t look at me in surprise but more with anger. With her hair in a towel, she said, “ What are you doing here?” I replied, “You invited us for 8 tonight didn't you? She informed us that 8 doesn’t mean you come at 8! You must never arrive on time. You should come at least an half an hour late. I light went off in my head and both my husband and I realized we had been arriving too early everywhere. We have made it a game to try to be the last guests to arrive when invited by French friends. We have only succeeded once. We told our friends about it and with much laughter champagne was served.