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Temper Tantrums!

Temper Tantrums!

There are moments in childhood that you just never forget. Sometimes I hear a story and think, really, that happened and other stories just stay with you forever as if it just happened yesterday. One of these stories was key for me and at the time such a drama.

There was a store in Bountiful, Utah, called Grand Central. I don’t even know if it still exists, but I loved that store. It was a bit like Kmart or Target and full of goodies. We would go with my mom and get clothes, toys, and fun stuff. My sister was newly adopted from Korea, and she had gotten used to getting new things. She had been showered by gifts since her arrival from Korea, and she was learning and learning quickly.

We had spent more than an hour in the store with a group of probably 5 of us. Two carts were heaped full; new clothes, shoes, a Barbie, etc.. I was getting excited to get home and unpack the few new prizes that were for me. Just as we were approaching the front of the store, my sister saw something she wanted. I don’t even remember what it was, but she grabbed it without asking and threw it in the cart. My mom took it out and said no, not today.  She started crying. My mom said you can cry all you want, but I won’t buy it. She threw the fit of the century. Screaming, kicking and well I am sure you’ve all seen a temper tantrum. My mom, realizing she needed to make a point, just picked her up, left two carts standing there full and sadly deserted and said come. We marched to the car like sad little ducklings following their mama duck and of course with NOTHING! We were all quiet and pretty mad at my sister.

When we got home, my mom sat us all down and said that it was a huge inconvenience for her and for all of us but no is no and that none of us should try that ever. It took weeks before we went back and of course, the same shoes weren’t there. I survived it! So will your kids and they will learn to behave. No is no!